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I was in 9th grade at that time. we were in farewell party of 9th grade. It was really-really unforgettable moment in my life. Beside beause i got an achievement, I also realized that me and all of my friends will separate to continue to senior highshool. Ok.., lets get back to the story. So.. basically, all of my friends can talk in english fluently. Because many of them ever lived in oversea. And this is the story why I have to tell you about it.

So, the farewell party also has "achievement section". The achievement was giving to students that considered deserved it. When we came to "the best in english" nominate, unexpetedly I won it. What makes me confuse is that, there are still many of my friends who can talk in english as fluent as native people. My friends also confused why I can get the ahievement.  But actually I don't mind it very muh, at least I got an achievement. I said something to my friends,"you don't have to can to become the best".I was laughing when I said that also my friend was laughing too.              

The next one is when graduation of 9th grade. Weeks from the graduation,I don't know why but I'm always have a feeling that my score will be good. I was late to come to the the graduation anouncement. But, when the day comes, I lost the feels that my sore will be good. I don't know why but suddenly I felt that my score will not be good. Plus, I came late. The agenda is start at 8.30 am but I came at 9.15 am.It makes more afraid.

I was panicking. I told my mom to drive the car as fast possible. I was desparating all the way to shool. When I arrived, The ceremony already started. I'm so lucky that I wasn't alone at that time. Because my friend also late. We ran as fast as possible. hopefully, our teachers didn't mad to us. My friends laughed at me because I was late. hopefully, I wasn't late too long. Because when I joined my group, it still speach section.

after that, we continued to the "Award Giving" section. The award is for students who got good score in National Exam. The teacher mentioned the students from the lower rank to the highest rank. To be honest, I wasn't hoping too much. I was only hoping that my score is over than 37.00. Then the teacher called the students one by one. Until rank 5, my name still not mentioned. Until rank 3, my name still not mentioned. I felt bad at that time. Because for me, beside my score not good, I also make my parents felt disappointed.

Than, when the teacher said, " And the student who got rank 2 is, Raditya Aria Zhafari". I was speechless at that time. Because, it was so unpredictable. I think no one's from my friends ever thinked that I will be at the second place. Then I walked forward. My mind still confused because I even never thinked that I will be at the second place. The teacher also ask my mom to come forward to. Stand by my side. The teacher gave me a charter and moneys.

After that, I go back to my group. All of my friends praise and congratulate me. I said thanks to them for that.  I'm so happy at that time. That was really unpredictable. Beside my struggle for 1 year finally reciprocated, I also make my parents felt proud of me. I can't explain it with words. If you were me, maybe you you can feel it. It felt like, all the things that you ever been did for 1 year, whether good things, even bad things, finally reciprocated. Well, thats the story of my experience giving thanks to someone. I hope it is useful for people who read this story, and can inspire other people to do the same. Well thats all from me, I hope you enjoy it. Peace!!!


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